
FOS collective "Ephemeral Lighting" on the facade of a restaurant in Madrid

Il collective FOS designed this temporary installation on the facade of a vegetarian restaurant in Madrid. This trio of artists offers us create a great effect on the prospect playing with yellow creating a Fasco of "ephemeral light" from the lamp placed above the entrance.


JANA & JS “It Doesn't Matter Who They Are” Galerie Openspace 19/10 - 9/11 2013

Austrian and French, photographs and stencils, internal and external, everything is always better when you are two. The universe of Jana & Js it focuses on how to be open, open to the world and to oneself at the same time, as a melancholy introspection. Two elements are often used in their work: the window, the main element and the camera, whose lens allows them to capture any moment during their travels.


Victor Vasilev / contemporary renovation of a 90s building in Avenza Carrara

Victor Vasilev Architect and Designer of Bulgarian origin and Milanese of adoption has recently occupied the renovation of a 90s construction located in Avenza Carrara, In the province of Massa Carrara, with the collaboration of Mattia Susani, Valerio Pascuzzi and Mauro Soldati.


Andy Martin / stool, side table and coffee table from the design visually striking

Andy Martin presents CALIFORNIA SUNSHINE / Block A / B / C, Stool, side table and coffee table with a unique design and visually stunning, where the functionality is stripped to produce a hallucinatory visual experience.


Alessandro Zambelli / PANIEPESCI, the seat that contains the essence of a miracle

Alessandro Zambelli he chooses one of the best known miracles of the Christian tradition - the only one described in all four Gospels - and creates the PANIEPESCI seat.