
A gift from the Alps to Milan


Alps the Italian company founded in 1919, world leader in the production of recomposed wood is always guarantor of a production eco-responsible ed eco friendly of its products; philosophy which has become with time a trademark important. A company that this extraordinary material, alive and vital has built its history and its success. A successful reconfirmed recently in Milan during the design week, where his temporary showroom in Corso Garibaldi, was meeting space, open dialogue with all those, professionals or enthusiasts of design, you are left intrigue and attract the his project.


Rewind Design Days A little bit against DESIGN WEEK

Rewind Design Days A little bit against DESIGN WEEK, Two weeks dedicated to a more careful design. A meeting between 7 artists who fully support the NO WASTE philosophy! (No waste) We do not believe it is just a fashion, but a real philosophy of life, where beauty is perceived as useful, as something that has already had a life of its own and is reborn to live another fully dressed renewed. Difficult to classify because they are multifaceted: Risada's clothes are sculptures, works of art, just as it would be simplistic for Eleonorita to call her Make Up Artist and Performer… and what about Vlaire? Except that their furnishing accessories are to eat with the eyes? But let's get specific.


Roberto Giacomucci for Emporium / Preview Salone del Mobile 2012

In addition to participation in "Paper Museums"And at the exhibition"Little Designer"Scheduled at the Milan Triennale during the 2012 design week, Roberto Giacomucci will be present at the Salone del Mobile with some novelties designed for Emporium, the Marche company of which he is the art director.


OraDesign, creations 100% Remade in Italy

ORAdesign I'm. Catherine Fiorino, Lucy Fenech, Raffaella Lombardo, three women and a new way of interpreting the re-design anything that can find a new and different function.


Workshop Rome, the Raumlabor by MAXXI message

Officina Roma è il messaggio che Raumlabor lancia dal MAXXI, la necessità di mettere in discussione il nostro stile di vita e il funzionamento della nostra società, basato sulla crescita e lo sfruttamento delle risorse naturali.