
Folded Felt Table and Pendant Light / Li-Rong Liao

Folded Felt Table and Pendant Light are the result of experiments Li-Rong, With different bending profiles to find a balance between structure and aesthetics.


Loom / Benjamin Hubert

Loom is a collection of pendant lamps, made of organic tissues, which uses a new polyester material 3D designed by Benjamin Hubert for the Swedish manufacturer Zero.


DNA Lighting / Karim Rashid for SLIDE

Karim Rashid ha progettato l’illuminazione DNA per il produttore italiano SLIDE. DNA crea una tessitura di luci, colori e suggestioni, tutte illuminate con la tecnologia LED. Il DNA è un elemento componibile di 2 metri di lunghezza, con la possibilità di essere intrecciato per creare una spirale illuminata.


Light Painting WiFi / Timo Arnall, Jørn Knutsen, Einar Sneve Martinussen

The city is full of an invisible landscape of networks is becoming an interconnected party with daily life. We want to explore and reveal what the terrain of WiFi immaterial appears and how it relates to the city.