From the 7 to the 12 June Milan the Salone del Mobile is back 2022 edition in its full version and it does so by focusing on the word sustainability. After a year off and the special event in September, the Super Salon, the 60th edition sees the return to full speed of the Salone del Mobile and the related Fuori Salone, albeit with a date repositioned to June instead of April.
Although initially the design week was scheduled to take place in April as usual, it was decided to postpone the date and go more towards the summer, to have greater security regarding the covid situation.
The event will once again occupy the entirety of the exhibition spaces of the Rho Fair, which will welcome operators in the sector from 7 to 12 June 2022 from 9.30 to 18.30, and on Saturdays and Sundays also the public.
Important news also for the SaloneSatellite which will have the theme "DESIGNING FOR OUR FUTURE SELVES / DESIGNING FOR OUR TOMORROW" and which for its 23rd edition will present itself with a renewed layout and a new placement in the initial pavilions of the exhibition itinerary.

The key values of the Salone del Mobile 2022: quality, innovation, beauty and, today more than ever, sustainability.
The ambitious goal of the Salone del Mobile 2022 is to demonstrate that it is possible and necessary after two years of a pandemic, to return to organizing major international events in the presence, merging criteria of sustainability and environmental attention with the production of furniture.
“The Salone del Mobile has always been a catalyst for creativity and energy. It is a generator of beauty, inclusion, new opportunities. We have always been a place of dialogue and construction, in Milan as in the Shanghai and Moscow editions. Today, shocked like everyone else by the war in Ukraine, we believe even more in the value of our being a crossroads of cultures and styles open to the world " says Maria Porro, President of the Salone del Mobile.Milano. “This is why we are committed to putting the work of exhibiting companies back at the center. The event becomes a "blank sheet" available to all its protagonists - companies, brands, designers - for
design your own identity, enhance your content, tell your own stories. A point of reference for the entire design community. We cannot stop, but rather we have the duty to accelerate towards design, production and distribution solutions that are as sustainable as possible; today more than ever an ethical approach to design is needed ". At the Salone, we will see many companies engaged in making furnishings with the well-being of the environment and people as their goal. "The Hall - Porro continues - supports the need for a real and immediate ecological transition: for this reason it has decided to be an accelerator of ethical and virtuous paths by investing in a large project curated by the architect Mario Cucinella. Companies
and creatives, in fact, will be able to touch alternative materials already industrialized, be inspired by the vision of urban areas as possible "mines" of raw materials, reflect on the function of the house as a cell of a more complex organism: the city " concludes the President, adding: "The sustainability of the Exhibition is the competitive lever, on which we want to focus with honesty, commitment and transparency".
The Salone del Mobile.Milano, in fact, has launched and disseminated a set of guidelines that help exhibitors and those who design and build stands a follow basic sustainability criteria. It is suggested that they prefer the use of reusable materials (such as wood), recycled (upcycling), low environmental impact or FSC and PEFC certified materials; to consider the logistical sustainability of the sources of supply of the materials themselves; to adopt environmentally safe products and equipment in the construction of the set-ups; to avoid wasting materials, electricity and water; to make sure that “adaptability” and “disassembly for reuse” are the key principles in the choice of the components that will make up the project, already having in mind where and how they can be reused or disposed of. The Show undertakes to follow the same recommendations in the creation of the common areas at the fair.
In doing so, the 60th edition of the Salone del Mobile.Milano will be the stage for the progress made by creatives, designers, brands and companies on this issue and, involving the young talents of the SaloneSatellite, will bet on the new generations who, grown up in an era of crisis, aspire to a more equitable and responsible production and fruition.
Design with Nature
Environmental and social well-being will also be the theme of Design with Nature, the installation designed by the architect Mario Cucinella for the “birthday” of the Salone and housed in pavilion 15 of S.Project: 1.400 square meters that will tell stories a virtuous ecosystem which would ideally represent the future of living. If the events of recent years have made us rediscover the value of sociability and sharing - reflects the architect who, with great integrity, has been pursuing a vision and a circular design approach for years -, this feeling of ours still needs to find a balance with what surrounds us, both with the spaces we live and the territories we occupy (house, city, planet), and with the resources of
we have. From this basic assessment will arise the three theses of which the installation becomes the bearer and amplifier: the urgency of the ecological transition, the house as the first urban piece and the city as a mine.

The Events of the Salone del Mobile 2022 will bring together more than 2.000 exhibitors, including over 600 young designers under 35: all will be able to express their identity to the fullest, in full creative freedom. At the fair, the visitor will walk inside the stands which will be, at the same time, architectural and communicative elements. Spaces that will welcome visitors to show the new collections and lifestyle concepts of the individual brands. An immersive visit experience that has always distinguished and made the Salone del Mobile unique in the international trade fair panorama.
The Salone Internazionale del Mobile, the International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition and Workplace3.0 will offer numerous aesthetic paths, where the protagonist is a product of quality and research.
That of June will be the biennial edition of EuroKitchen, of its collateral event FTK (Technology For the Kitchen) and International Bathroom Exhibition. The kitchen will be confirmed as a multifunctional space, an expression of contemporary living, whose boundaries with other domestic environments are becoming increasingly blurred until they disappear: a fluid, hybrid, integrated space and center of gravity of the home, social aggregator and not just dispenser of essential needs. While the bathroom furnishing companies that, for years, have been investing in research and innovation to obtain low water consumption products in line with the most recent sustainability requirements required by the market will advance increasingly technological and green oriented proposals without forgetting, however, the component emotional.
23rd SaloneSatellite
Over 600, on the other hand, will be the protagonists of the 23rd SaloneSatellite. This year's theme will be "DESIGNING FOR OUR FUTURE SELVES / DESIGNING FOR OUR TOMORROW".
An edition that will invite you to reflect on the design that “includes” favoring autonomy, comfort, movement, usability, interaction and safety for all. The SaloneSatellite is also renewed in the layout studied around the theme of the square as a meeting place, to underline the role of this event capable of creating new connections between international design schools, young people, new startups and the productive world.