The platform launches twenty-second contest for designers and planners. It has until January 22 to send projects furniture, furnishing accessories and lighting for young couples and innamoratissime. now part of "Just married", the new contest launched by the design platform participated Formabilio and aimed at young designers, and those aspiring designers. Participants are asked to design the furniture, the complement of furniture or an ideal lighting project for young couples, dynamics and innamoratissime who share a passion for design to furnish with taste their love nest.
Proposals should be sent by using the appropriate section of the site from 10: 00 18 of December at the 18.00 22 2014 January. To understand the requirements and participate in the contest: For the winners, besides the satisfaction of being produced, Formabilio recognize a fee 7% of the proceeds of the sale on the site The winning products are in fact marketed online in the shop area of the site. In the news of the site we are already available the following furnishings and home accessories, who won the previous contest and have become exclusive products Formabilio brand:
EXACT - The system of storage units, floor or wall units, designed to furnish corners. 30, 60, 90 are the numbers that solve the age-old problem of giving meaning and function to the corners of any room! Designed by Andrea Brugnera and made by Live In for Formabilio.
STEKKO - Valet stand, coat rack with a small shoe rack. Convenient to use and transport, with its small footprint it is the ideal furniture for those with little space. The simply ingenious, minimally invasive and functional idea comes from the designer Eduardo Alessi and is created by Ivo Fontana Mobili for Formabilio.
NESTORE - The furniture that expands the concept of living by transforming it into a space to share with your 4-legged friend. The seat
complete with bookcase, small table and kennel is designed by Simone Michelotto and created by Euroline Furniture and Live In for Formabilio