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Zero line starts from design, with a new collection presented at Fuorisalone 2013

Zero line starts from design, with a new collection presented at Fuorisalone 2013 it has been modified: 2024-06-01 di Benedetto Fiori


Under the artistic direction of the young designers Manuel Barbieri Zero Line, a historical company in the field of lighting, begins a new path by focusing on design with a line oriented towards research and innovation.

A goal compelling that fascinates the young entrepreneur Alessandro Veronese Zavater: "Just as my uncle four decades ago has started from scratch, I today I decided to start from scratch, what's more in a historical moment so difficult. In almost nineteen years of dedication to Linea Zero I had many experiences, covering all tasks, from the most humble to the latter, who sees me in the role of entrepreneur. I feel great positive energy in me and in the people with whom I'm sharing this new course. "

Present in euroluce from 1996 to 2007, this year Linea Zero participated in the Milan Design Week with an installation in the Vic Matié boutique in Via San Pietro all'Orto 17 in Milan, featuring the Roller lamps designed by Manuel Barbieri, and within the event B.Creative B.Factory in the area Ventura Lambrate, Where he was exposed to the entire collection.

ROLLER COLLECTION by Manuel Barbieri
Designed by Manuel Brabieri for Line Zero ROLLER is a hanging lamp, available in two sizes, made of polycarbonate Polilux white, the material with which the company has always produced its lamps, which lends itself to live alone or in important compositions aerial scenic.

LINE ZERO CALLE suspension

CALLE COLLECTION by Manuel Barbieri
CALLE comes from some sketches on paper, traced to try the right shape, the perfect shape for something decorative but not too much, an object that gifts light and harmony to the space. The collection designed for Line Zero consists of two suspensions, two wall lights and a table lamp. White is the dominant color, a slight transparency allows a good spread of light illuminating environments, heats them and makes them comfortable.


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