
The “Disco Volante” pizzeria in Vienna

At the center of any quality pizzeria there is a wood oven as well as the core of any good nightclub there is a disco ball; is Flying saucer is the combination of these two things.


Take on the cold with style, dress up your home with MATTEOGRASSI!

The winter is knocking with arrogance on our doorstep, But with the help of warm furnishings and comfortable signed matteograssi it will be easier to leave out from our homes cold and gray typical of this season.


From the Mexican landscapes here is “cactaceae”, the paper structure of Iván Juárez

According to the geometry of the cactus in bloom, the quiet and cozy wrap "cacti”By the Mexican architect Iván Juárez ofx-study is designed as a response to natural landscape.


The Made in Design to celebrate the New Year 2014!

The New Year 2014 is approaching, if you have decided to celebrate it at home, these selected objects will surely be useful to set up your dinner table among the products Made in Design!


RAS: Regular Angulate Slim, the new dining chair Dongsung Jung designers!

RAS: Regular (regular), Angulate (corner), Slim (thin) is the new product created by designer Dongsung Jung, dining chair designed with a main theme.