Shin Software, was founded in 2011 by Stefano Provenzano with the aim of bringing the expressive, communicative and emotional power of the latest generation interactive 3D graphics into the business world.
CEO and CTO of the Company, Stefano Provenzano, graduate in computer science and specialized in interactive 3D graphics, supported by twenty years experience in the design and development of software in the most diverse fields of application, leads a team of young specialized professionals, for the individual divisions , in the study, implementation and development of various types of projects.
Products and skills
The fields of application of the 3D technology are many and transversal. Shin Software makes the SHOWin3D web platform available to the market. It is a totally automated technological device that allows any company or professional with simplicity, low cost and in complete autonomy, to convert CAD files, incompatible with the web, into interactive 3D content suitable for the internet and mobile devices.
Through this platform it is in fact possible for the user to create 3D interactive catalogs and configurators offline, web and mobile, interactive 3D applications for VR viewers, solutions for fairs and events offline, web and mobile, user manuals, use and maintenance 3D interactive offline, web and mobile, custom 3D APP, customized technology APP.
Shin Software boasts a prestigious clientele in the most diverse sectors such as:
components for heating, air conditioning and sanitary systems, heat metering systems, specific components for renewable energy plants,
production of stoves and fireplaces with products of high technological and design value, the mechanical industry in the most diverse forms (agricultural and earth-moving machines, ski lifts), design furniture, kitchens ...
The achievements of Shin Software are visible on the site