
ECSTASY- Ecstasy Marble Statuary Design by Emanuele Rubini authentic work and unique.

ECSTASY- Ecstasy Marble Statuary Design by Emanuele Rubini authentic work and unique.


The new band bracelets with marble - Bracelet band with marble design by Emanuele Rubini

Bracelets with marble fascia

Product Selection

SDM Products Selection, a selection of design products able to improve the liveability of indoor and outdoor spaces, while at the same time expressing a mood.


"WOMAN" The New Sculpture in Trani cm Stone 250x60x60 Emanuele Rubini

Honor to the Woman and Puglia with the new work entitled 2013 "WOMAN" Stone-Trani cm 250x60x60 by the sculptor Emanuele Rubini, “Grit, passion, sensuality, shapes, design, movement of centers of gravity in a work that at 360 ° - step by step - renders emotion, all for research in the challenge of the impossible on matter.


Emanuele Rubini Presents The First Sculpture Marble Suspended Magnetic Levitation

A preview Emanuele Rubini presents The first sculpture suspended magnetic levitation marble Carrara 22x15x15 cm weighing 230 grams worked to the extreme, up to a 2 mm thin marble wire. “A new spatial paradox” the initial curiosity immediately gives way to the awareness of the contrast “Stone / Empty”, “Heavy / Light” This means having managed to create a paradox. By reversing the parts.

Product Selection

SDM Products Selection, a selection of design products able to improve the liveability of indoor and outdoor spaces, while at the same time expressing a mood.




The Cinderella work was conceived and created to praise the made in Italy and the refinement of the Italian luxury products that everyone in the world admires and tends to imitate. Cinderella is a unique work that idealizes the shoe, which has always been the object of desire of all women and a symbol of the most sought-after fashion. Cinderella in her elegance looks like a sex-symbol on a casket base that shows the most precious object. In this sculpture created with