design News

Stella taps. The centenary of Italica is celebrated at the Rocca di Angera

The celebrations dedicated to the first century of life of the historic collection of taps took place on the evening of Friday 27 May.


Chairs stolen from Agriculture / Made.Sign

After the success of the first event at the Lago Apartment in via Brera 30 MADE.SIGN repeats itself. The location of the event this time will be the “CUBO” (former Atellani café) in via della Moscova 28 (MI). During the evening, an exhibition of projects, videos, graphics and installations by emerging designers and artists.


Overtreders W, The Roof That Goes Up in Smoke

The roof that goes up in smoke, an outdoor mobile pavilion by Overtreders W. for Dutch design studio Overtreders W has designed a mobile outdoor pavilion.