Launched yesterday during a talk show there new digital platform of the Salone del Mobile.Milano a b2b experience designed to support the strategies of the exhibiting companies and enriched by an editorial section aimed at amplifying the authority and leadership of the event
An agile, collaborative, integrated and transversal tool, able to systematize all the voices of the sector: in short, a highly innovative tool. Thus, the digital platform of the Salone del Mobile.Milano was defined during the presentation talk show, moderated by Victoria Cabello, in which they took part Claudio Feltrin, president of FederlegnoArredo, Mary Porro, president of Assarredo, e Marco Sabetta, general manager of the Salone del Mobile.Milano, who talked about its genesis and vision; Riccardo Luna, a journalist passionate about innovation and technology expert, who, in conversation with Annalisa Rosso, editorial director of the platform, explained how no economic sector can now do without digital and what are the potential and added value of this new Salone project; and the architect Stefano Boeri, which revealed something more than "super salon”, The special event of the Salone del Mobile.Milano, of which he is the curator, which will be held from 5 to 10 September in Milan, Rho Fiera.
"The pandemic was the largest digital accelerator in history. We all learned to do things we didn't do before, discovering that digital is a formidable tool for resilience. Now that we cautiously come out of the emergency, we are not going back to the world we used to, but we are entering a new, hybrid world, in which the physical and digital worlds coexist, strengthening and increasing opportunities. The Salone del Mobile platform goes in this direction " Riccardo Luna states.
In fact, the objective of the tool, today a real asset of the Exhibition, is twofold: on the one hand, to amplify the authority, influence and leadership of the Salone del Mobile.Milano, sustaining its fair dimension over time from a strategic, commercial and communicative point of view. ; on the other create value and become a driving force for business for exhibiting companies, increasing their visibility, multiplying connection methods and times with their target, capitalizing on the services offered.
These goals will be achieved thanks to an offer that differentiates this platform from what is already on the market: a mix of different types of content and services, integrated with each other, aimed at capturing interest and increasing the value of the interaction and of the relationship with the entire design community. In fact, combining the digital dimension with the physical experience of the Fair.
On the one hand, therefore, original editorial content, both b2b and b2c, constantly updated several times a day, divided into thematic sections, with a transversal focus on design, furniture, art, architecture, science and technology; interviews with the protagonists of these sectors and markets and with the most visionary and interesting profiles of the national and international cultural panorama; collaborations with magazines and with authoritative names from all over the world to have multiple opinions and points of view. To get inspiration, discuss, interact throughout the year with a community that will expand exponentially.
On the other, contents dedicated to companies that will be able to tell about themselves, in a free and independent way, through the narratives - but also the images and videos - that most represent them. Certainly through the products, both those just made and those already iconic. For them, the value of the platform lies in its interactivity: in fact, this tool makes available to companies breakout rooms, virtual showrooms, digital contact channels that will guarantee an immediate and profitable exchange with the target before, after and during the Fair. Thus bringing to fulfillment that goal evoked by all: a digital at the service of the physical and vice versa.
Intent also pursued by the third category of content, namely that linked to the Exhibition and to the services dedicated to the experience at the fair: ticketing and information to be able to organize the visit and plan the appointments of that week, applications to facilitate the meeting between supply and demand of furniture.
Claudio Feltrin comments, president of FederlegnoArredo: “From today it is Salone all year round. Thanks to the digital platform, the most famous design fair in the world will remain 'open' 365 days. This is the main objective of a formula that has made the combination of physical and digital its strong point, a model capable of teaching and allowing companies to develop their business, maintaining direct and constant contact with customers. . The test will be the 'super salon'in September, where thanks to a QR code, visitors will be able to communicate with companies, get detailed information on products and, through retailers, complete the purchase. This is an opportunity that no other fair offers and companies have understood its value. But not only that, thanks also to the cultural-editorial slant, the goal is for it to become a reference point for design at an international level ".
Confirmation Marco Sabetta, general manager of the Salone del Mobile.Milano: “The new digital platform marks an important change of pace for the Salone del Mobile.Milano and represents a sophisticated digital experience in which the keystone is precisely the mix between physical and online. A business tool for companies and a virtual collector of beauty, value and quality. A virtual place in which to share interpretations of the world of design and innovation in order to open our eyes to the future of the sector, nourish it with visions and possibilities ".
A multidimensional tool, therefore, which activates strategic collaborations, aggregates and connects different audiences, integrates functionalities at the service of all the events of the Salone del Mobile.Milano.
Just as he concludes Annalisa Red, its editorial director "This is a choral project, which brings together the many different voices and identities that have always made up an incredible network: companies and their products, sector magazines, professionals from all over the world, design enthusiasts . From the meeting of these international realities and from the interactive exchange, ideas and opportunities arise which, just as physically happens at the fair, make the Salone a unique and unmissable event ".
All that remains is to go and browse the new site, below we anticipate some screenshots.