Leroy Merlin offers the opportunity to participate in the Courses Do-it-Te to discover skills that we would never have thought of!
In this historical moment in which it is important to optimize resources both from an economic and environmental sustainability perspective, we have the opportunity to rethink the way we act and search in ourselves the resources to improve the space in which we live.
There are many designers who, to the conception of their objects, also support theself, using their skills as craftsmen and following the whole process; to this, often there are also groups of important designers who provide instructions in order to allow us to create the design object that they have conceived and signed by themselves.
Precisely in the latter case it can be important to have excellent bricoleur skills Merlyn Leroy comes to help with the "Festival of Crafts".
In fact, by going to one of the outlets Italian 47 16 from October, it will be able to participate in various DIY courses, Obtaining at the end of a path attested by experienced do-it-yourself.
The event concept is "Learn to know how to do", And it will be an opportunity to have fun and to learn. This special edition of the courses will have a common theme to all the shops, or the implementation of a full bath: installation of the floor assembly of the shower enclosure, installation of sanitary and wall cladding. The following videoIn fact, it is a nice candid camera to demonstrate how easy it is to immerse yourself in the art of DIY:
Leroy Merlin, with its 47 shops in Italy and many other stores around the world, is a leading company in the do-it-yourself sector. Founded in France in 1923, it rapidly spread all over the world, including Italy as of 1996, with the first store in Solbiate Arno (VA).
And 'possible to find more information the "Festival of Crafts" and courses of do-it-yourself by visiting: http://www.leroymerlin.it/corsi-edizione-speciale