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Italamp at Euroluce 2023: when light becomes sound, matter and architecture

Italamp at Euroluce 2023 THE CRACKLE OF LIGHT
Italamp at Euroluce 2023: when light becomes sound, matter and architecture it has been modified: 2023-02-21 di Benedetto Fiori

Italamp, the Venetian company specialized in glass and crystal processing in the lighting sector, will participate in Euroluce 2023, part of the Salone del Mobile, presenting the project "The Crackle of Light". It is an intimate space that offers visitors a unique sensory experience, taking them into a world of images and sounds linked to the glassy material and its fascinating genesis.

The 90-second video, designed with macros of processing images and audio that mixes the real sounds produced by the material with specially selected sounds for an immersive and emotional sound design, is proposed as an ASMR product, capable of provoking a sensation of relaxation through cerebral, visual, auditory and tactile stimuli.

Furthermore, Italamp will present at Euroluce 2023 a new lighting project called “PIOLA” by Danilo De Rossi. The designer has developed the concept of a luminous diaphragm, a modular grid made up of polished chrome tubes intertwined with cast glass bars enriched by a texture of micro-bubbles created ad hoc, which can become an innovative luminous architectural element. Each glass bar has a handle that fits onto the conical pins equipped with LEDs of the metal structure and can be easily assembled and disassembled.

Italamp at Euroluce 2023 - SKETCH PIOLA

Light therefore becomes a structural and architectural element, expressing the company's ability to shape matter and light with a creative and innovative approach.

On the occasion of the Salone del Mobile, Italamp will also present the new projects signed by Defne Koz, Roberta Vittadello and Virginia Cei. To complete the display, there are ENSO by Roberta Vitadello and Stefano Traverso nominated for the Compasso d'Oro 2024, REGOLO, TRACE ESTER, AXI by Patrick Jouin iD, GILDA, UNIVERSALE, ANTEA by Ilenia Viscardi, CICLA and a selection of bestselling cordless lamps including Munetta Martina, Rose and Ligea.

In summary, Italamp has demonstrated an ability to interpret light in an unusual way, presenting at the Salone del Mobile 2023 lighting projects that use light as a structural and architectural element, demonstrating a great capacity for lateral thinking and uncommon innovation.

Italamp at Euroluce 2023 THE CRACKLE OF LIGHT

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