Architecture News

Places & Visions – The new book with magazine by URLAUBSARCHITEKTUR

Places & Visions – The new book with magazine by URLAUBSARCHITEKTUR it has been modified: 2023-08-19 di urlaubsarchitektur

Places & Visions completes the current trilogy of HOLIDAYARCHITECTURE books.

Every place has its innate potential. Sometimes it's almost immediately tangible, patiently vibrating beneath the surface, waiting to be unearthed. More often it lies dormant, fearfully hidden in the shadows or has simply been forgotten in the course of time. Then you need people with sharp eyes and subtle sensitivity to the essence of a place, to the unpolished pearls and bold possibilities.

From this arise visions that find expression in architectural projects that masterfully stage the character, context and history of a place, where spending a holiday is simply magnificent. In the following pages we will take you to special holiday spots in Europe whose architecture and culture of hospitality set new standards – from the enchanted castle in the Pyrenees with a modern twist to the coziness of bare concrete with an old farmhouse, from the lonely cabin under the dancing Northern lights to a built homage reflecting the history of the time in a silent valley.

Amount: Places & Visions
Book with extramagazine
Editor: Jan Hamer
Authors / Editors: Ulrich Stefan Knoll, Britta Krämer, Anke Frey, Julia Hauch, Anneke Bokern
Design: Kathrin Schmuck, Bucharchitektur
Release Date: 15.07.2023
Size / Weight: 30 x 24 x 4cm | approx 1,7 kg
ISBN-Nummer: 978-3-9817367-8-6

Book Places: Bilingual (English/German), 250 pages, many pictures, Hardcover with linen binding

Magazine Visions: Bilingual (English/German), 68 pages, many pictures. With essays and articles by Britta Krämer, Anneke Bokern, Anke Frey, Julia Hauch

photos book & magazine: Julian Martitz

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