Architecture Contest

BANDORESIDENCES: Art in Paper Outdoor – Indoor

BANDORESIDENCES: Art in Paper Outdoor – Indoor it has been modified: 2023-02-16 di lubic

LUBICA – Lucca Biennial Cartasia is the largest event in the world dedicated to Paper as
artistic and architectural expression and is held every two years in the city of Lucca, in Tuscany. LUBICA
was born in 2004, with the commitment to promote tradition, culture, sustainability, innovation. In the
2024 the XII edition is held, celebrating twenty years of activity.
LUBICA aims to create stimuli and methods of comparison for artists who decide to get involved
game, "educating in beauty", taking care of the other but also and above all breaking the mold and
create new points of view.
The competition is open to artists, architects, designers, engineers and has as its object the creation of
monumental works (outdoors and indoors) or of different scales (indoors) that involve the use of
paper by valuing its originality and bold, particular and innovative use. The final selection will see
the exhibition of monumental works in the main squares of the city of Lucca (outdoors) or in the
exhibition venues (indoor) for the entire duration of LUBICA; at the end of the event the works become
part of the permanent collection of LUBICA with the possibility of exposure and circulation in others

The theme of the XII edition is "Here and Now: Tomorrow"
Everything in the contemporary world is ephemeral, instantaneous: often men seem to act only in the
here and now, without consequences, as if there was no tomorrow. Artistic expression is a
binoculars aimed right at tomorrow, at the infinite possibilities that the human mind has to travel
beyond the boundaries of itself, in search of new possibilities and new worlds to imagine and discover
and build. At the same time, knowing how to live in the present, here and now – is a fundamental aspect of
our existence. The here and now is the only moment we have to fully exist, grow,
feel, love and enjoy. We often forget about it by acting mechanically and repetitively, we live at the mercy of time: linear time, the time of the ego, the time of material life. The outside world, society, commitments, social media constantly attract our attention, snatching it away from the here and now, postponing it to another time, maybe tomorrow.

● The prevalent use of paper and cardboard;
● Submit one or more original projects;
● Pay the registration fee;
● Be of legal age;
● Individual participation or for a group of up to two people.*

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