The crisis is known, the mother of invention.
The design items often are the result of the use of simple raw materials research, perhaps recycled. In addition to the products on the market, there are many opportunities to fulfill ourselves a good product design.
Sometimes just a good idea, a cue to create design objects and you can do it with his own hands, spending little, very little or even nothing if you have at home simple materials such as glue, string, wooden boards etc.. You do not need to be an expert in DIY or go in specialized stores, sometimes the most interesting objects are the simplest and not always their creation is difficult.
In the realization of network objects such as tables, frames, chairs, armchairs, chandeliers, also using waste materials such as tires, pallets, light bulbs and glasses there are infinitely many sites "do it yourself" and it is interesting to note that more and take more foot paper, with exceptional results.
Following are some of the ideas that I found online, but really there is something for all tastes and all levels of difficulty.
Chandelier with round shade twine
This was one of the most interesting and who have inspired me. I tried to make it happen and I have to say that it works! I have made some variants, following other similar tutorial that suggested to wrap the ball with plastic wrap and immerse the string, before winding on the ball, in the PVA glue diluted in water if you do not want to buy a hardener for specific tissues. Instead of by pilates ball, you can use common balloons (the form will be more drip) or light balls for playing pool / sea.
tutorials and image found on:
Paintings with colored thread, wooden board and nails

image from:
candle holders or holders with box and clothes pegs
One of the most interesting areas is undoubtedly the art of recycling. Reviving a can of tuna, a jar of pickles in itself is a great idea, but create even saving useful items is almost brilliant.

door-suspended objects to use the part of the lower shelves of the box

vase with white spray cans
bulb vases
fruit bowl with wooden little men
images and tutorials:
The ideas then run fast between a link and the other, and he finished off a website as simple and useful idea: give the ability for users to create "bookmarks" (pin) for interesting items (interest), on any topic can be tracked on the Internet, organized in thematic message boards. The site is very popular and is where you just need to enter keywords such as "do it yourself", "craft", "diy" or "recycle" in the search bar to be catapulted into the message boards of many DIY enthusiasts who have selected the ideas and articles found in web to create unusual, captivating and sometimes very useful objects.
Being able to realize them can be fun and, if they are as simple as those proposed, the results are excellent and above all you have the satisfaction of being able to say "I did this."