Sparkle, the table-stool designed by Tokujin Yoshioka for Kartell it has been modified: 2022-06-02 di
Lo Sparkle coffee table stool Kartell designed by the Japanese Tokujin Yoshioka it is an incredible concentration of reflections as if it were a crystal glass. It strikes like an iridescent ray of light, extremely bright.
The new collection of stools and tables Sparkle Stool Sparkle Table and are characterized by a particular pleating of the plastic material they are made (both inside and outside), which is reflected in a surreal.
Sparkle Kartell, two new jewels for your home, which almost look like precious stones… diamonds or sapphires, emeralds, topazes or rubies, depending on the color chosen.
The Sparkle Kartell stools can also live outdoors and are resistant to scratches and bumps.
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