And 'black and has a design taste a bit' traditional. Still, the laundry Mobile produced by Xilon Srl It seems to be designed in such a way that it fits perfectly to every type of context. Would look good, so to speak, is a bathroom a little 'retro and in a more modern and minimalist: about this, that it is a cabinet essentially a very simple and free, therefore, to flashy or colorful details that confer a precise style.
The lateral surfaces are opaque, while the front has a glossy white and very pleasant: the whole plan is, however, equally made of laminated watertight. The key feature of the mobile brand for laundry Xilon Srl is given by slow motion technology that allows you to open and slowly close the two doors: the handles, then, so basic but comfortable, have ABS as standard, enhanced by aluminum trim . This furniture is also prepared to accept a possible sink complete with taps in pendant with the handles of the doors. It not by chance comes, if it wants to make a different use than the laundry room, a beautiful mirror per day, which is also simple but enriched by a satin frame: also perfectly recalls the finish of the handles.
It can be positioned vertically, but also horizontally, depending on what are your needs. Regardless of how you decide to place it it is still equipped with a halogen spotlight that will be very useful at the time of using the sink. Just as there will also be useful in the solid shelf that sits just below the mirrors, perfect as a base. Let, finally, to the laundry for mobile dimensions: the width is 90 centimeters, the depth and the height of 50 87. The mirror, however, depending on how it will be positioned, will be wide and high 75 50 centimeters, and obviously vice versa.
This product is on sale on the site bagnoshop