
EQ Dekor, the protective paper and decorative which is a collaboration between Inkiostro White and Mapei

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EQ Dekor, the protective paper and decorative which is a collaboration between Inkiostro White and Mapei it has been modified: 2013-11-25 di Social Design Magazine

The collaboration between inkiostro White e Mapei born a revolutionary coating: EQ Dekor, The wallpaper from the dual function protective and decorative and applied by the dual wall or floor.

EQ Dekor is much more than a simple wallpaper. The creativity of designers and artists inkiostro WhiteWhich makes each coating a small work of art, alongside structural performance which allow to minimize the risk of detachment of the components of the walls in the case of earthquakes and consequently to prolong the time of evacuation from buildings.

EQ Dekor is based on the innovative, patented system MapeWrap EQ System, Product performance proposed by Mapei which has requirements of excellent efficiency in the event of an earthquake. A special bi-directional fiberglass armor - called MapeWrap EQ Net - applied with a high-strength one-component water-based adhesive - the so-called MapeWrap EQ Adhesive - Guarantees excellent performance in case of dynamic stress, more commonly termed "earthquakes". Greater stability, maximum efficiency, lightness, structural flexibility are just some of the benefits accessible thanks to the new patented Mapei.

The ease of use and installation procedure offered by elementary MapeWrap EQ System make EQ Dekor a highly functional product: spreading a first layer of EQ Dekor Adhesive on a pre-existing plaster, you can proceed to the application of fiber coatings EQ Dekor, Which provide protection from the collapse of the secondary partitions.

Interpreted creatively by inkiostro White and decorated with a variety of 60 fascinating graphic and decorations designed by prestigious designers and artists who work constantly with the company, the system is transformed into the line Mapei EQ Dekor, The "seismic wallpaper " As intriguing eclectic taste.

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