
Mauro Crepaldi / Restructuring Former Local Court Copparo

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Mauro Crepaldi / Restructuring Former Local Court Copparo it has been modified: 2013-12-02 di jessica zannori

The project of Mauro Crepaldi is the need to construct a new building for the Special Human Services Union of Municipalities of Copparese. The company Heritage Copparo Ltd., locates in the Ex Local Court the ideal space for the grouping of activities dall'Assp, until now distributed in multiple buildings scattered throughout the municipality. At the same time takes the opportunity to complete a property that started around the mid '80, was never completed due to the transfer of the funds allocated by the Ministry during those years.

This building after years of neglect, was partly recovered for the settlement of the local headquarters of the Justice of the Peace Corps and the Inter-Municipal Police. The remaining spaces, never completed, were used for a long time as a warehouse.

The building has typological characteristics typical of preture built throughout Italy in the years' 80. Pillar structure and floors predalles, Symmetrical facades perimeter buffered in prefabricated walls of brick masonry or brick walls plastered, monumental entrance with glass curtain wall. Inside different partitions of plaster or clay generated a central block made of archives and warehouses Czech, while on the perimeter there was a large number of premises to the numerous functions performed the activity praetorial.

The renovation project and completion developed primarily by the desire to recover the entire property rearranging the different activities inside. The limited resources available, suggest a redefinition of the access and the internal distribution through the breakthrough of the central block destined to warehouse, never fully used, and the use of a few materials such as cement, glass, polycarbonate and wood that reduce the total cost of 'intervention.

It also redefine the areas for the various activities, taking advantage of the access road made in previous years, with ramps for disabled and elevator shaft, and eliminating much of interior partitions to insert a cube polycarbonate to serve as a distribution element central light source for the core of the building around the place it all activities gathered in the building that are so redefined and redistributed to optimize workspaces. The new offices, located along the perimeter, are equipped with glass walls that diffuse the natural light from the outside or recover from the central cube.

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