Alicudi, a two-tone natural silk sarong produced by Aliantedizioni, won the C-IDEA Design Award, one of the most selective design awards awarded in Australia.
Alicudi and Filicudi win the NYAwards 2021!
Aliantedizioni was awarded in the Fashion & Lifestyle category with the Alicudi sarong and the Filicudi tie designed by Alessandro Loschiavo in collaboration with Luca Fantuzi.
CleanRome wins the 2019 Green Good Design Award!
CleanRome, the non-profit awareness campaign dedicated to the city of Rome has won the Green Good Design Award again!
The Elidi win the Good Design Award
The Elidi, the fruit bowls designed by Alessandro Loschiavo and Marco Paiani for Aliantedizioni, have won the Good Design Award assigned, as every year, by The Chicago Athenaeum, Museum of Architecture and Design.
Aliantedizioni presents Elidi, door-fruit flowers!
At the next Salone del Mobile, presenting the Aliantedizioni Elidi, a series of hollow containers, such as giant translucent water lilies.