design News

40 designers interpret the jewel with 5 senses

Giovanninetti Lucilla SIXTH SENSE MEMORY
40 designers interpret the jewel with 5 senses it has been modified: 2022-06-03 di ML

DIMA-DESIGN place of experimentation and laboratory possible, home to the second stage of the fourth edition of "Redefining the Jewel" by Sonia Patrizia chain.

Project from 2010 aims to disseminate and promote a new aesthetic of contemporary jewelery by searching for innovative materials and experimental, involved in a creative process where the added value does the idea.

A creative growing which involves more and more artists, goldsmiths and designers to renew the notion of traditional ornament and make it a separate art form, through the research of innovative materials and experimental. This time the theme is dedicated to the five senses: the jewel as "taste" (aroma, flavor); "View" (shapes, colors); "Smell" (perfumes, odors); "Touch" (materiality, plasticity) and "hearing" (sounds, noises).

On display:

Ballabio Malvina, Bezerra Màrcia, Bosio Olar Slobodanka, Bruni Michela, Casati Loriana, Catalano Erminia, Cerasoli Danila & Carbone Bernarda, Chimajarno (Trentin Chiara), Del Gamba Agnese, Â Eandare (Giovanninetti Lucilla), Ercolani Sandra, E-vasiva, Fenili Antonella, Finny's Design (Vitali Alessandra), Forte Laura, Fragiliadesign (Di Virgilio Francesca), Garbin Mara, Ghilardi Eleonora, Giardinoblu, Giuffrida Lorena, Lacerenza Carmela, Lanna Elisa, Leek (Porro Francesca), Liscia Micaela, Lovisetto Leonia, Maracanta (Bombardelli Lorena ), Meri Macramè Jewels (Iotti Marisa), Mia Contemporary Jewels (Sanfilippo Simona), Monguzzi Giovanna, Monti Arduini Olivia, Palmas Loana, Renzulli Alessandra, Rocco Maddalena, Rombolà Rosalba, Rossi Elena, Rotta Monica, Sala Alex, Soria Antonella, Volpi Laura, Wire Dèco Design (Minelli Fabiana).

Opening: October 18 2014 18.00 hours
Via Crucifix 2 a / b, Vimercate (MB)
The exhibition will remain open until 15 / 11 / 2014

Hours: Monday to Saturday


Trade show with all 40 designers / artists from the 22 25 January at the Gallery Rossini Viale Monte Nero in Milan and from the 7 13 February at the Area E, I raised Naviglio Grande in Milan.


Redefining the Jewel of Sonia Patrizia Chain

BALLABIO.Malvina.Helix 2 touch

Catalan Erminia Sound Vibrations


Francesca lefties Contrasts 1 TOUCH


Monica Route .The Call Hearing

Simona Sanfilippo NIAGARA

soria antonella

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