
Heidi_designed by Gradosei

Heidi_designed by Gradosei it has been modified: 2022-06-02 di Great Tit


"Still flying, still crossing up and down in the air, but without jolts." (Louis Stevenson's swing)

New borders and new horizons are opening before us and it is easy to notice. A simple swing, so essential in its shapes and yet so original and immortal in the fun and pleasure it offers, allows you to go beyond your gaze and, caressed by the air, feel even freer and lighter in flight. The swing has always represented the outdoor game par excellence. Revisited, reduced to the bone, it takes on a new aesthetic elegance given by the living essence of the wood, the intertwining of the ropes, the pastel colors and the pure shapes.


New borders and new horizons are opening in front of us and it is easy to notice. A simple swing, so essential in the forms but so original and immortal in fun and pleasure that provides, allows you to digress with the view and, caressed from the air, feel more free and light in flight. The swing has always been the outdoor game par excellence. Revisited, minimal, takes a new aesthetic elegance given by wood's alive essence, by interlaced ropes, by pastel colors and pure shapes.






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