
Architecture Matassoni / GARDEN AND OFFICES B.

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Architecture Matassoni / GARDEN AND OFFICES B. it has been modified: 2012-07-24 di Benedetto Fiori

Project the architectural firm Matassoni for the restructuring of a garden and transformation of a portion of colonial building in offices; completed during 2010 in Montevarchi (Arezzo).

Design theme: access to the workplace through the garden and making this rewarding act as a walk rich emotional nature of perceptions acoustic, visual, and tactile.

Through the design of horizontal coplanar elements such as mirrors of water or wood flooring and vertical elements such as bamboo poles, walls insulated and existing presences, it is organized and structured space in different environments, meeting a unique harmonious.

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The set is the result of a synthesis of unconscious emotional experiences lived elsewhere that generated a natural environment in which they are detectable traces of different origin with many elements of the Italian Renaissance garden, but also informal Anglo-Saxon origin or the eastern zen .

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